The Advanced Manufacturing Innovation District (AMID) is the UK’s largest research-led advanced manufacturing cluster.
The Advanced Manufacturing Innovation District (AMID) stands as the United Kingdom's leading research-driven advanced manufacturing hub, fostered by strong partnerships between leading universities and businesses. Notable investments from renowned companies such as McLaren, Boeing, and others underscore its significance.
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Central to AMID's ecosystem is the University of Sheffield's renowned Advanced Manufacturing Research Centre (AMRC) and its affiliated institutions, including the Nuclear AMRC and Apprentice Training Centre. The presence of these facilities, alongside pioneering ventures like the first Boeing production facility in Europe, exemplifies AMID's commitment to innovation.
Furthermore, AMID houses three University of Sheffield research centres—the Royce Translational Centre, the Laboratory for Verification and Validation, and the Integrated Civil and Infrastructure Research Centre—dedicated to leveraging research breakthroughs to enhance industrial processes, thereby reducing costs and lead times.
These transformative initiatives have propelled the University of Sheffield to the forefront of engineering research investment in the UK, as evidenced by its top-ranking status in income and investment, as reported by the Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA).
This success owes much to substantial funding secured from various global and local entities, including Innovate UK, the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC), the South Yorkshire Local Enterprise Partnership, the European Commission, the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), and industrial partners.
Find out more on the University of Sheffield website.
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