South Yorkshire has world-class capabilities and a global reputation for innovation, development, manufacturing and commercialisation of medical and healthcare technology solutions to deliver improved patient care and experience.
With an ageing UK population and a greater focus on preventative medicine, the healthcare and medical technology sectors are emerging as strong growth areas in the region.
We also have, vitally, the intellectual infrastructure to kickstart innovations and the driving curiosity to research and prototype the ideas that come from both medical practitioners and their patients, and we are proud to host Sheffield Hallam University’s world-leading Advanced Wellbeing Research Centre which will help make the UK more active and health conscious.
Sheffield Hallam University’s Advanced Wellbeing Research Centre (AWRC), in collaboration with Cannon, Westfield Health, parkrun, Sheffield Children’s Hospital and others, is poised to make South Yorkshire a centre of international excellence for health and wellbeing research. Alongside providing outstanding healthcare solutions on a regional, national and international scale, the AWRC aims to attract investment and new jobs, building on inward investment secured and contribute to economic growth and quality of life in, and beyond, South Yorkshire.
The University of Sheffield’s Medical Advanced Manufacturing Research Centre (Medical AMRC) aims to revolutionise the healthcare technology industry using innovative design and manufacturing techniques. The organisation combines cutting-edge manufacturing technologies with world-class research and development and access clinical expertise through the university’s academic and clinical resources, including Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust. The Medical AMRC works with health services, doctors, researchers, medical manufacturers and suppliers to design innovative product and process solutions that push the limits of current technologies, create new possibilities and help the medical and social care sectors address global health issues.
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Related resources
National Centre for Child Health Technology
The National Centre for Child Health Technology (NCCHT) will be a world-class facility on the Sheffield Olympic Legacy Park. It will bring people together to work in a way that has never been seen before, all under one roof here in South Yorkshire.
The National Centre will focus on addressing some of the biggest health challenges of our time: obesity, mental health problems, long-term conditions, health inequalities, disabilities and cancer.
Most importantly, the Centre will be powered by the needs of our children and young people and their families – they are at the heart of all we do.
“Children are 25% of the population and 100% of the future. “They will be the leaders, parents and workforce of the future and the people who drive change. For them to have the best chance at doing that we must improve children's health and healthcare now. “We are excited about the ways the NCCHT is going to change young people’s experience of healthcare through developing the most advanced health technology in the world.” - Professor Paul Dimitri Clinical Director of Technology and Innovation Sheffield Children’s NHS Foundation Trust.
Sheffield Institute for Translational Neuroscience (SITraN)
(SITraN) is an essential development in the fight against motor neurone disease and other common neurodegenerative disorders including Parkinson's and dementia, as well as stroke and multiple sclerosis.
(SITraN) has the potential to bring new treatments and new hope to patients and carers in the UK and worldwide, by significantly accelerating the pace of therapeutic development using technologies such as experimental modelling of disease, gene therapy and stem cell biology, gene expression profiling and bioinformatics analysis and modelling of the biological processes.
NIHR Devices for Dignity MedTech Co-operative (D4D)
D4D operates nationally, bringing together the optimal team of expert clinicians, academics, members of the public, carers, charities and industry to deliver solutions to address specific needs.
D4D has a multidisciplinary Core Team hosted at Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust.
NIHR Devices for Dignity MedTech Co-operative act as a catalyst within the NHS for the development of new medical devices, healthcare technologies and technology-dependent interventions. Focusing on developing technology solutions to meet clinical needs and for chronic health conditions that are often overlooked, and that are typically associated with loss of dignity and independence, and poor patient outcomes.
For further details or to discuss the potential for investment and partnership opportunities please email invest@southyorkshire-ca.ca.gov.uk or use our contact form