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The Sheffield Innovation Spine embodies a visionary long-term strategy aimed at bolstering our region's spatial and economic landscape. It looks to establish and interconnect crucial innovation infrastructure, fostering the growth of knowledge-driven enterprises within our city centre. 

This initiative holds the promise of generating high-value employment prospects while nurturing a vibrant economy comprising world-class businesses.

Initiated by a collaborative effort between Sheffield Technology Parks, Sheffield City Council, The University of Sheffield, Sheffield Hallam University, and the South Yorkshire Mayoral Combined Authority, a dedicated two-year project is set to commence in 2024. 

The primary objective is to develop and unveil a comprehensive prospectus for the Sheffield Innovation Spine, encompassing a spectrum of innovation spaces ranging from laboratories to specialised facilities. This will be complemented by provisions for housing, public realm enhancements, and economic development initiatives.

At the forefront of this is Sheffield Technology Parks, who are spearheading the project. Renowned as the city's premier innovation hub, Sheffield Technology Parks boasts a track record of incubating and accommodating world-class businesses.

Recognising Sheffield's historical challenge in providing adequate facilities for burgeoning enterprises, this strategy aligns with our organisation's mission at the South Yorkshire Mayoral Combined Authority to grow the economy in South Yorkshire, and to create a thriving region.

Over the course of the next two years, the project aims to consider the intricacies of materialising this vision. 

For further information visit Welcome to Sheffield