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South Yorkshire's strategic assets 

The Global Innovation Cluster (GIC) connects assets across prime capabilities; Advanced Manufacturing, Health and Wellbeing, Energy and Digital such as: 

Connecting Innovation 

We are focused on creating conditions for good growth, therefore supporting the commercialisation of innovation is our priority. 

We deliver an intelligence-led approach to scale-up businesses, boost competitiveness of new and existing sectors, widen trade aspirations and develop platforms for innovation districts to flourish. 

We want to do business with people, places and companies that share our ambition of lasting, long term and mutually productive relationships. 

Map of Northern England


The Northern Powerhouse includes 5 of the UK’s ten largest cities, including Leeds, Liverpool, Manchester, Newcastle and Sheffield and it is growing. The Northern Powerhouse is home to 15.3 million people and 1.1 million businesses, and with an economy now worth £339 billion, the North is a great place to live, work, visit and, critically, a fantastic environment for businesses to invest.