The University of Sheffield Nuclear Advanced Manufacturing Research Centre, part of the High Value Manufacturing Catapult, helps UK companies win work in nuclear.
They operate across nuclear new build, operations, decommissioning and technology development, and in other high-value low-carbon manufacturing industries. Their facilities and services are open to all.
Manufacturing innovation capabilities and supply chain development services are open to all UK manufacturers, from specialist SMEs to top-tier OEMs.
Engineers and sector specialists work with companies to develop innovative techniques and optimised processes for large-scale high-precision manufacturing. Companies can use state-of-the-art workshops to develop and test new processes on production-scale machines, without losing capacity in their own factory. Companies can commission commercial research to address their specific needs or join collaborative R&D projects with external funding.
NAMRC also provide a range of supply chain development support to help manufacturers enter the nuclear market and compete worldwide.
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Sheffield Forgemasters
Sheffield Forgemasters (now owned by the Ministry of Defence) based in Sheffield since 1950, manufactures cast and forged nuclear components for multiple applications, producing some of the world's most technically challenging components.
This includes components for fusion power exploration and the advancement of small modular reactors. In fact, they were the first company to produce a forge formed RPV head for use in an SMR. They also provide advanced technical research and support services.
Key capabilities include:
- Vertically integrated melt shop producing ultra-clean nuclear grade steel
- Ingots up to 300T produced onsite
- Innovative hollow ingot casting techniques
- 10,000T forge for components up to 300T
- Some of the world’s most advanced 5-axis machining
- Leaders in the research of thick section electron beam welding for nuclear applications
- Advanced computer-aided design, simulation, modelling, metrology and analysis technique
The United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority (UKAEA) and the University of Sheffield are working in partnership to drive the development of fusion technology and the UK’s future fusion industry.
The collaboration has seen Sheffield appoint two Chairs in fusion research and development. Both roles are working to establish new research programmes to address global fusion challenges.
The position of Chair in Qualification for Fusion will address fundamental engineering challenges in the qualification of components, fabricated assemblies and systems for use within future fusion powerplants.
The position of Chair in Fusion Materials will focus on innovation in materials design and processing to improve powerplant performance and the decommissioning and recycling of new materials developed.
The University’s Faculty of Engineering will host the two Chairs and both Chairs will work closely with UKAEA staff and the University of Sheffield Nuclear Advanced Manufacturing Research Centre (Nuclear AMRC) in Rotherham, part of the UK’s High Value Manufacturing Catapult, which helps to move cutting-edge research from universities into the commercial market.
The UK Atomic Energy Authority has chosen to work with the University of Sheffield because of its expertise and track record in materials science, engineering and manufacturing research - Sheffield is one of the strongest universities in the UK in these disciplines, which are crucial for developing new low-carbon technologies.
For further details or to discuss the potential for investment and partnership opportunities please email invest@southyorkshire-ca.gov.uk or use our contact form.