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Locate in South Yorkshire


South Yorkshire provides you with everything you need to if you are looking to invest in or relocate a business to the region.

Locate in SY online tool

Using live data from highly respected sources, including expert property agents, the free, comparative tool, make it easier for site selectors, corporate real estate professionals and economic developers across the globe to identify what properties are available.

Locate in South Yorkshire tool

The webtool also provides up to date, relevant and authoritative information on South Yorkshire and our latest investment opportunities as well as a true, impartial picture of our towns and cities, including the workforce potential, education and wages.

All vital sources of information to help you answer fundamental questions, such as ‘Does the district have a market for my business to succeed?’ ‘Is there sufficient skilled labour?’ and ‘What are the salaries paid in that area for this industry?’


The Locate in SY tool features an innovative Free Hand Draw tool which enables you to analyse different business types and industries per geographic area, by number, percentage and location on the map. You can also document and share research with your contacts, check out competition in an area, analyse the community profile, consumer expenditure and talent pool.

Visit our Locate in SY microsite to give the tool a try and drill down essential information about our talented workforce, global connectivity, business landscape and available sites.

birds-eye view of Sheffield city


Visualise opportunities available in South Yorkshire.