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South Yorkshire: The UK's First Investment Zone

A location at the heart of the UK, which offers a world-class investment and relocation opportunity, as well as being a great place to live and work.  We are a region renowned for our industrial heritage and have a rapidly growing reputation for technologically advanced manufacturing and engineering, plus industrial digitisation to meet Industry 4.0 (I4.0). Find out about the South Yorkshire Investment Zone here.

Invest in South Yorkshire

We are a Mayoral Combined Authority (MCA), which means we are autonomous in our decision making, as well as being able to respond quickly to investors and businesses that are looking to relocate here.

What makes us different?

Stainless steel was founded in our region over 90 years ago and we have a strong industrial heritage to draw upon.

We have established dedicated business clusters where we share intelligence and pioneer research in the areas of advanced manufacturing, health & wellbeing and digital/technology.

We have a highly skilled workforce and two million people within commutable distance of the city.

We’re home to two world class universities; The University of Sheffield and Sheffield Hallam University, which together have 70,000 undergraduates and around 8,000 students respectively graduating each year.

Looking to locate in South Yorkshire?

A great place to do business

Living in South Yorkshire means a fantastic quality of life