Published 26 February 2020 at 1:10pm
Commercial development opportunity on this 48 hectare site which is currently farm land. The site is allocated as an Employment Site in the current Local Plan and will require infrastructure investment to deliver a link road and flood prevention measures.
For further details or to discuss the potential for investment and partnership opportunities please email invest@southyorkshire-ca.gov.uk to talk directly with our sector specialist.
Local Authority: Doncaster MBC
Development Type: Commercial Development
Opportunity Type: Developer, investor
Status: Allocated employment site in Local Plan
Likely Investment Required: £40m-£70m
Size: 48 ha
Total Jobs: TBC
Timeframe: Long Term
View the opportunity on our interactive map.
You can find more information on the location on our Locate SY website.
Last Updated: 26/04/2024
Published In: Commercial
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