Published 14 March 2025 at 1:44pm
Local Authority: Barnsley Metropolitan Borough Council
Development Type: Mixed Use
Opportunity Type: Investment
Seeking: Private Sector Investment
Status: Local Plan Allocation
The Seam is Barnsley’s Digital Campus, an extension to Barnsley’s town centre, creating an urban village on the County Way car park areas. It will transform a network, extending the two DMC buildings and Barnsley College Sci-Tech Digital Hub. It will be a testbed for innovative ideas, supporting the Barnsley economy to grow, with digital and smart tech at the heart of it.
The redevelopment of the lower Seam, off County Way includes plans for a beautiful new urban park (4,700sqm), comprising three separate high-quality natural gardens: the biodiversity garden, the digital garden and the town centre link.
Plans also include improved parking facilities for the remaining spaces that will serve visitors to the town centre and the Seam Digital Campus based on County Way.
Work is expected to start in Summer 2025.The next phase of The Seam Digital Campus Phase will include a high quality hotel and a National Centre for Digital Technologies, subject to planning permission.
For further details or to discuss the potential for investment and partnership opportunities please phone +44(0)114 220 3400, email invest@southyorkshire-ca.gov.uk.
Last Updated: 14/03/2025
Published In: Mixed-use
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